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From Butts [in the pews] to Be-Attitudes: Turning Consumers into Disciples

From Butts [in the pews] to Be-Attitudes: Turning Consumers into Disciples

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You'll find within these covers root causes for our Western consumeristic Christianity and possible solutions for turning consumers into disciples! The landscape? Large and mega-churches are spreading, but Western Christianity is dying. Usually, no more than about 15 percent of participants are active in their faith and being transformed. Almost none are disciple-makers. The rest gather to consume religious experiences and are unproductive. But hope and reversal are possible, beginning with you and your journey of discovery and the empowerment this book offers!

Discover how the earliest Church pursued relationships with God and disciples. Learn about immersion into communities to incarnationally meet people where they are and introduce God's Kingdom in meaningful, contextual ways. How did Jesus approach disciple-making? The answer is here! Curious about how to change the DNA of your church to become a discipling and sending agency? You'll find recommendations here, too!

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